Brawley is an agricultural town in the southern California irrigated desert south of the Salton Sea.
A bright yellow Chevrolet Roadster, an expensive concept car which never caught on is parked
in front of the Brawley Vons supermarket with a Starbucks stuck inside it. The bright yellow roadster is pointing at the
China Inn take out and eat in chinese food. |
The Salton Sea would have been an ideal location for a project, however California experienced its second highest
amount of rain in one hundred and twenty-two years the previous winter. The Salton Sea instead of looking like a fetid cesspool appeared like
the inland sea the developers hoped it would be. Clear blue desert sky. Deep blue water. The bones of dead fish weren't drying on the shore.
The lake didn't smell of rot. |
Although the town of Bombay Beach is still a wreck it is not uninhabited although largely vacant.
It still has the semblance of a town. The streets are in a grid. Several houses on each block seemed to be inhabited.
The Salton Sea was not a sewer. There was no easy access at Bombay Beach to the shore so it wasn't possible
to video record a projection on a broken CRT TV. Immediately north of the Salton Sea is Mecca with its large date trees. |
Joshua Tree National Park. The ranger station is crowded. Besides being spring break it is also a favorite spot for day
trips from Palm Springs. This spring the desert is in full bloom with every type of cactus flowering. Note. There are cacti whose needles are so sharp
and stiff that they can pierce the rubber soles of running shoe exteriors. The barbs stick in the skin and are almost impossible to pull out without
impaling the fingers. Twentynine Palms is a small town north of the park. A movie by Bruno Dumont was named after it. His fevered imagination created
a plot which depicted the anal penetration of the French independent movie maker, David, by local rednecks. Twentynine Palms is not a particularly sordid little
town. It has one main road and is the nearest town to Camp Wilson and several other Marine Corp military bases.
Military personnel stay with their families at the local Motel 6 and swim in the pool. David and girl friend Katia fuck in the pool in the movie. |
He located the Motel 6 and prepared to return to the park for an evening shoot. Rocky Point is a pull out several miles
inside the park from the north entrance. The afternoon crowds seemed to have evaporated. He wandered up a trail and found a location a half mile from
the road where he could set up the props (a group of three wire frames stretched tight with white leggings to create surfaces for the video projection).
The video animation featured a golfer dressed in orange pants and shirt while swinging at a golf ball. An aaxa pico projector on a mini tripod is
situated in front of one of the curlicue white props. The projected video is visible on the nearest stretched surface as well as succeeding layers
behind it. The sun is beginning to disappear behind the mountains to the west. The video projection begins appear clearer as the disappearing light darkens the sky. |