the beach faces south.
the Venus of Urbino washes up on the shore.
the Maja Desnuda washes up on the shore.
Olympia washes up on the shore.
in the belly of a dead fish.
Shells litter the shore. Ocean waves curl over the sand. A fish is washed up on the beach. The flesh of the fish is silicone rubber. The fish was cast in a 'jello' mold.
A thin metal fabricated mold. Inside the fish is a video monitor. Embedded in the silicone rubber. A video plays on the monitor. A fleshy male massively overweight nude
reclines on a bed. The nude body folds flesh. Flesh of a fish. Battery packs electric power. Batteries power monitor and media. Media player plays. The video. Waves creep. Foam seeps.
Silicone rubber encases. Electric nerve impulses. Neurons. Synapses connect. Chemical messengers. Electric messengers. Ionic flow.
Perhaps it would have been different.
Endless rows.
Off center.
A haze.
At night the pattern repeats.
At night the process repeats.
Several monthes later.
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